Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Alphabet of Success

Here is an oldie but goodie - a document titled the alphabet of success.

In reviewing it, I found it very thought provoking! That being said, here are a few sample words for the letters in success. What are your thoughts on words which represent success? Please feel free to use any letter of the alphabet. Here goes:

A special thank you to the people who are working to keep us safe!  

Monday, April 20, 2020

What Are You Doing

What are you doing to keep busy and stay positive during your down time?  Have you minimized your time watching the news?  Are you taking time to read for enjoyment or reading professional development material and/or participating in webinars?  Are you adhering to your local rules on social distancing? 

A special thank you to all those who have no down time because they are working and providing a service to all of us.

I would like to hear your thoughts. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Do not waste your time complaining

I do not know the author of the following short story but I think it fits the situation we are all facing with the covid19 virus. Posted on the internet by Dan Western.
People visited a wise man complaining about the same problems over and over again. One day, he decided to tell them a joke and they all roared with laughter. After a few minutes, he told them the same joke and only a few of them smiled. Then he told the same joke for a third time, but no one laughed or smiled anymore. The wise man smiled and said: ‘You can’t laugh at the same joke over and over. So why are you always crying about the same problem?'”
Let's take time to think about all the good that is coming out of thses trying days and a special thank you to all those working in healthcare, first responders, teachers and parents who are now home school teachers.
